9 Reasons Why SEO Is Still Important In 2017
1 - Targeted Advertising SEO allows you to target people that are seeking out the products or content you've made available. People that are searching for your exact focus through Google are going to be far more interested in someone that just happens to randomly find a paid ad on a service like Facebook. SEO gives you a specific audience! 2 - Most Customers Rely Solely On Search Engines The vast majority of people that might end up as customers or visitors that end up clicking through and making purchases from affiliated links rely solely upon search engines to find what they're looking for. If you aren't optimizing your site to appear on corresponding search results adequately, you're leaving a ton of traffic and potential success on the table. What good is a website that no one can find? 3 - It Costs Less Than You're Thinking A lot of people stay away from SEO because they think it's too costly. The thought that it can eat up too much time is also prevale...